Success Stories
The Ficos World Foundation takes great pride in the remarkable journeys of the young people whose lives have been transformed through our support and programs.
From at-risk youth finding purpose through mentorship and job training, to young entrepreneurs receiving crucial funding to launch their businesses, every story underscores our commitment to empowering the next generation of leaders.

I joined Ficos World just after my 17th birthday and I felt hopeless. I had given birth two years prior at the age of 15 and did not have much family support and felt that most of the professionals such as social services, teachers and even my local council failed me.
I had been living in Croydon for the majority of my childhood and after given birth I was moved 8 times to different houses around London and had to drop out of college as I couldn’t manage the mental strain of moving so many times with my young child.
I met Shadia at one of her Ficos World events in 2016 and soon after she started mentoring me. I finally had the opportunity to share with her some of the things I wanted to achieve and some of the aspirations I had for my life and she promised she would support me every step of the way and she did not break that promise.
Soon after, in 2019 I decided I wanted to get into Politics and was determined to use my voice as a tool to inspire more young people who felt like me - failed by a system and wanted to create better policies for young people across the UK. I was the youngest female councillor to ever stand in Croydon and finally made history and even encouraged hundreds of young people to consider a career in politics and to participate in democracy.
It’s been 8 years and my life has been changed for the good and I cannot but thank Ficos World enough for seeing hope in me.
Jayde Edwards, Politician

"I came into contact with the Ficos World Foundation through their 2022 Creative grant award. I was lucky enough to be chosen amongst an array of creatives. The award helped me to further my interest in the creative field and very grateful for the opportunity. It was lovely meeting the founder and once again I’m very grateful for the opportunity."
Maya Egbo, Creative

"My name is Kwame, the opportunity the Ficos World Foundation gave me was invaluable. I was financially funded to run my business and it became the most popular business in the borough of Croydon providing job opportunities for many young people including myself. I went on to complete higher education and my masters and this wouldn’t have been able to be achieved without the foundation, I wouldn’t be here without their support."
Kwame, Business Owner
"My name is Alex Kenlock a 28 year old record label owner.
Ficosworld impacted my life massively at the age of 19 by not only giving me a platform to truly express myself, but also mentorship and life skills in which are still ever present to this day.
Ficosworld changed my perspective on who I am. It brought out the dormant but innate leadership abilities within me which in turn lead to the positive impact of thousands of other young individuals with a similar back ground to myself."
Alex Kenlock, Record Label Owner


"My name is Jacob and I applied for the Creative grant award in 2021. This grant allowed me to buy materials to construct my (at the time) largest work, it
supported me with purchasing over 1800 containers to create the work 'Densification' which had been chosen to be displayed at the Visual Art Scotland 2022 Winter Exhibition: REVERB. This work was recieved well, and formed part of my application process to the
Robert Walters UK New Artist of the Year award, for which this year I was one of 10
shortlisted. Subsequently, I will be showing a new work of a similar construction in the
Saatchi Gallery in Sloane Square in November for the award exhibition.
I’m very grateful for the opportunity the Ficos World Foundation provided."
Jacob, Artist

My name is Toni-Ann Malcolm, 25 who connected with FICOS WORLD at the age of 19. There, I met my mentor who continues to guide me to this day.
Before encountering the FICOS WORLD Foundation, I was a depressed and vulnerable young girl with a closed mind, lacking guidance and direction.
Through the years, I've come to understand the critical importance of leadership and mentoring. These experiences have simplified my understanding of myself and my value. It has been the most transformative aspect of my life, and I believe the world needs more of it.
Today, I am proud to say I am a business owner in the Hair & Beauty industry, working in both Film and Fashion. I also mentor a group of six young women, aged 16-27, providing them with opportunities across London, Birmingham, Southampton, Milton Keynes, and beyond. This journey has been fueled by embracing the idea of the misfit culture and being bold in our differences—all thanks to the FICOS WORLD Foundation.
Toni-Ann Malcolm, Business Owner